Personal Services for your Pastoral / Clergy needs
in The Villages area of Florida

Call or email. I am here to help you!

    Society has changed, and our lifestyles have changed over the years, and in more recently, at an increasing pace. Among those changes, has been a lower priority on our religious life and church involvement. Along with these changes, Sundays have become filled with other activities and sports, and for many, is the only day to unwind and relax. We are certainly not here to judge, and are not saying that these changes are good or bad, merely recognizing that life has changed. For many people, the concept of having a "church home", is no longer part of their lives. Yet there are times in our lives when we still want the traditions and ceremonies of our religious faith. We are here to help you. Whether you are planning a wedding, or have just lost a loved one, we can help you with a meaningful religious, or semi-religious celebration. For some couples, the realities of life make a traditional legal marriage impractical, often for financial or mixed family reasons. A "commitment ceremony" may be just right! It may be that you want a child Christened or Baptized, or perhaps an adult, even yourself. It could be simply a desire to get "something off your chest", and receive comforting words of forgiveness and absolution. We will work with you to stay within your budget, and in fact our services are very economical!!! While our orientation is certainly Christian, you will not be pressured to join or adopt any particular church nor perspective!
Pastor Bob picture
    Pastor Bob has served and worked with a wide spectrum of churches and denominations over the years, from Roman Catholic and Lutheran, to Congregational and Unity churches. He has pastored at American Baptist, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and independent Christian Churches.

    As an ordained Calvary Church minister, he welcomes the opportunity to serve you . As an "open and welcoming" pastor, he looks forward to serving the pastoral needs of the people of The Villages and surrounding areas.

    Contact me with your questions or thoughts. You'll be glad you did!

Rev. Robert Geckler
The Villages FL 32162

Ecumenical Communications 2021